ConStellation 14, March 7-9 2025
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How to reserve a room: You can contact the Cornhusker Hotel to reserve your room at a discount by mentioning "Constellation" at 833-483-1136, through the Marriott reservation desk or though the group event with Marriott pages.

By ryan, 23 January, 2024

Sara Felix is a Hugo award winning mixed media artist who creates with inks, acrylics, resin and sometimes clay. She also is an editor for the Hugo winning fanzine Journey Planet and has been also Hugo nominated for her work for the past few years. One of the covers she painted for Journey Planet won a FAAN award (Fanzine Activity Achievement Award. She has designed two Hugo bases, one with Vincent Villafranca in 2018 and one on her own in 2016.

By ryan, 23 January, 2024

Kij Johnson writes fantasy and science fiction including the novels The Fox Woman and Fudoki, the novella, The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe, and more than fifty stories. She’s won the Hugo, World Fantasy, Nebula, and Sturgeon Awards, as well as the Grand prix de l’imaginaire and others. She’s worked in publishing, comics, games and miscellaneous tech companies, but currently she teaches creative writing at the University of Kansas. She teaches novel masterclasses and short fiction workshops online and in person. She lives in Kansas with her cat, the Divine Jurat.

By ryan, 31 October, 2023

Attention writers of all ages and experience levels! ConStellation wants your unpublished science fiction and fantasy stories (5,000 words or less) and poetry (up to three poems) for our annual Bryce Pfeiffer Memorial Writers Contest. Winners will receive a free weekend registration to ConStellation 13 in Lincoln on April 19-21, 2024, a gift card, and recognition during opening ceremonies.